How Vulnerability to God Stabilizes Us

Life can sneak up on us with shakings that leave us scared stiff, or at the very least, overwhelmed. Pressures swell to deafening levels with all the storms and stresses of life. Bills rise. Bodies break. Losses wound. Relationships fail. And on top of these personal shakings, the world is filled with trouble, with more instability than ever, and with a storm on the horizon that Jesus said would only increase as His return draws near (John 16:33; Matthew 24:3–14).

Do you presently have a storm you’re facing?

Do you find yourself in the midst of a shaking that is forcing desperate questions? How do I hold on? Can I bear another blow? Will I make it through?The Lord has an answer for us in these anxious times and it may surprise us. He wants to stabilize us in every storm by first undoing us at the heart level with His beauty and with His love.

The most unshakeable people alive are those that have been most wrecked by Jesus—those who have been most undone by His love and most riveted by His beauty. Gut-level circumstances must be answered with gut-level revelation of Jesus. We will only be immovable when we have first been moved deeply by Him. Continuing reading over here 


To the Moms: When the Arrows Fly


The Resolution to Desire Him